Air Availability by Booking Class

Air availability by Booking Class (Class of Service) retrieves an itinerary for requested fare classes. If the requested fare classes are not found, no flights are returned. Booking class requests are made at the segment level.


Located in Air.xsd:


  1. Enter the minimum required data for the AvailabilitySearchReq.

  2. For each air segment, specify the class of service using the Code attribute of SearchAirLeg/AirLegModifiers/PermittedBookingCodes/BookingCode. Each air segment is tied to the permitted booking code by AirSegmentRef.

    Up to 10 fare classes are allowed.

  3. Set AirLegModifiers/ReturnFirstAvailableOnly="true" to retrieve an itinerary with the first available flights for the list of requested fare classes, if supported by the provider.


In AvailabilitySearchRsp, the booking code is indicated in the CabinClass attribute of AirSegmentList/AirSegment/AirAvailInfo/BookingCodeInfo.



Worldspan supports a maximum of three Booking Codes in a request.


ACH does not support PermittedBookingCodes or ProhibitedBookingCodes in AirSearchModifiers or AirLegModifiers. If these modifiers are used, a warning message is sent in the response.